Did you know with the NHS App you can...
- Order repeat prescriptions any time of day
- Collect your prescriptions
- View your GP records and test results
- Quickly check symptoms
- View, cancel or book GP appointments*
- Contact your GP practice online*
Your NHS, your way.
Download the NHS App here.
Important notice when booking online and receiving text messages
It has been brought to our attention that when booking appointments on line and receiving text messages, due to the new Clinical System it uses the term:
Welling Medical Practice or Welling Medical Practice (HH)
Welling Medical Practice (HH) is the Branch Surgery at 12 Avery Hill Road, New Eltham, so if you are booking online or receiving a text message, it would be to confirm it is at New Eltham.
For Welling Medical Practice, 2 Danson Crescent, Welling it will just say Welling Medical Practice.
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this has caused.
Patient Access
The Surgery has for many years offered a service for our patients to request an appointment or repeat prescription via our practice website.
We have launched a new service called Patient Access available at www.patientaccess.com
Using an internet connection, this will let you interact directly with our practice computer system to make or cancel appointments and request repeat prescriptions, even when we are closed.
The advantages of using this system are:
- You don’t have to queue at the practice or on the telephone
- You can manage your appointments outside practice opening hours, including evenings and weekends
- You can access appointments from home, at work or any location with internet access
- You can view your medical record including allergies, test results, immunisations and more
- Provides you with an improved service
- Saves time and improves efficiency
- Real-time integration with our clinical system
We apologise for the delay in activation this new service due to the recent computer system upgrade. The service is now live at www.patientaccess.com where you can register directly online which allows you basic access to make an appointment to start with. To gain full access, please then visit the practice with photo ID to be verified by a member of reception.
Alternatively you can download the registration form below and return it to reception. We will then send you a letter and instructions to get a full account.
Patient Access Registration Form (DOCX, 23KB)