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Cyber Attack Posted or Updated on 4 Jul 2024

South East London NHS has experienced cyber-attack recently and this has affected the pathology system. The attack has meant the NHS cannot use some of its systems essential to run blood tests in south-east London.

Blood tests are vital for a wide range of treatments, meaning this criminal attack has caused significant disruption in south-east London across a range of different treatments. While this has resulted in the postponement of appointments and operations affected by the attack, it’s important that any patients do continue to attend their appointments unless they have been asked not to.

All urgent and emergency services such as A&E, urgent care centres and maternity departments remain open as usual (although there may be some delays if people require blood tests)

We understand people will be concerned. Investigations of this type are complex and can take time. Given the complexity of the investigation it may be some weeks before it is clear which individuals have been impacted.

As more detail becomes available through Synnovis’ full investigation, the NHS will continue to provide updates on the incident website which has answers to a number of frequently asked questions. The incident helpline can support people with additional questions that they might have.

Here is the website to visit for any questions:

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